Seungwon Hong Interview

Drawing an ICON

Interview with FIDA WINNER

First of all, I think I like fashion as much as I like painting.

In the past, I thought about my career as a fashion designer, so I also took a short course at a fashion education institutions. But after taking some classes and using a sewing machine, I felt that this was not my way.

Seungwon Hong 
decodes his work with Patrick Morgan

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How did you hear about the Fida awards?

I found the FIDA account on Instagram, then I started following the feed because it seemed to be a nice page to check the good artworks and artists. so I was happy when the news about the FIDA awards came out from the post :)

Why did you decide to enter the awards?

Why did you select the artwork you did? And which category did you enter for and win?

What I won was a fashion icon category and my artwork was a portrait of Karl Lagerfeld. I thought Karl is a very important icon in the industry so I wanted to paint him to remember his work and honour his achievements.

I also applied for three categories. Each was a fashion icon, a fashion muse, and a fashion cover.

Until now, I have been working on my own or commissioning work from companies and magazines. So I always wanted to participate in a contest like this.

Below are some general questions we like to ask all members. Please can you answer these too.

When did you first get into drawing?
I think it's when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school.

I was interested in drawing and often did it as a hobby, but since then, I think I wanted to do something related to painting as a job in the future. So I kept studying in my notebook during break time or after school.

Why did you choose to make fashion part of your inspiration?

First of all, I think I like fashion as much as I like painting.

In the past, I thought about my career as a fashion designer, so I also took a short course at a fashion education institutions. But after taking some classes and using a sewing machine, I felt that this was not my way.

What is your particular working day as a creative?

For me, working hours are not fixed and I think it's every moment of the day.

In the past, I thought there was a lot of sacrifice needed to achieve something.

So that's why I worked a lot without a break, but these days, I think it's not easy to continue for a long time, if I push myself too hard, so I try to take a break.

But I still don't feel comfortable when I rest without doing anything.

What tools do you use when creating your images?

Most of my work is done with digital painting these days, So my main tools are Wacom Tablet, Adobe Photoshop and MacBook Pro.

In the past, I thought there was a lot of sacrifice needed to achieve something.

So that's why I worked a lot without a break, but these days, I think it's not easy to continue for a long time, if I push myself too hard, so I try to take a break. S.Hong

Who are / what has influenced you over the years as an artist?

I think it’s Everything from my life. The magazines that I read, and the movies that I watch and social media like instagram or Pinterest.

Also other great artists like Vincent van Gogh gave me an interest in painting when I was a student. There are also many great artists in the fashion illustration industry such as Akira Sorimachi, David Downton and Richard Haines. I’m big fan of them

What advice do you have for younger artists looking to be part of this industry?

I think it is important to have many experiences when you have time. reading a book that you like or watching a movie or doing some jobs that you didn’t experience. These will give you ideas and you will get to know what you like or what you don’t like. And most important thing, - keep working and don’t give up.

What are you drawing today? Music are you listening to? Books that you are reading? Favourite artist/designer at the moment?

Today, I’m working on commissioned work from my client.
My favourite song is Nelle Tue Mani from the movie 'Gladiator' by andrea Bocelli

what I read recently was “The Sartorialist Man” by Scott Shuman. The Korean version just came out a few weeks ago.

The artist I'm interested in these days is Daniel Arsham. I love to see his work. His works are amazing and inspire me a lot. 

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